Welcome to (Inter)National Solo Album Month (NaSoAlMo)! NaSoAlMo is a free annual creative challenge, wherein musicians are challenged to write, record, and release an entire album within the month of November. NaSoAlMo favors enthusiasm, creativity, and perseverance, rather than perfectionism. It encourages musicians and would-be songwriters to silence their inner critic for thirty days in order to inspire and maximize productivity. The albums are likely to be hastily written, off-time, and out of tune, and that’s okay! The main objective is to just do it รายงานเต็ม.

Signups start on October 1, and you can start creating on November 1 thru November 30. What’re you waiting for!

Be sure to check out the Facebook group, and the Subreddit. If you have questions, hit up the FAQ and About pages. If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to the writing, recording, or releasing of your album, check out the Resources page.

We also have a Discord Channel! Be sure to join up and come hang out with your fellow NaSoAlMo-ers!

If you have any questions, concerns, issues, or just want to say hi, email admin(at)nasoalmo(dot)org.

~ Bobby (Fearless Leader)

2022 Roster (So Far)

13 completed out of 63 entries so far!

Atomfall Ashes of Eden
TA Walker Chilled Noodles Success!! (33:53)
Robert Keyes TBD
Andy Getch Sally Moves In
Mel Dalton TBD
Karis Rowley Nuxotica – I failed to complete an album but I did get a track that I’m very proud of and the roots of another yet to come. So, failure, but of the best kind.
Nicole Matthews TBD
Dirty Melissa Have you seen my mongoose? Success!! (32:57)
space_hoers Spleen of Green Success!! (28:36)
ivahka glass TBD
Abstraction The End of (Almost) Everything Success!! (65:00)
Kyle Richards Familiar Progressions Success!! (25:09)
Orange TBD
Odilon Green TBD
n1ghtstalk3r meat is murder
The Valpiana Mountaineering Club TBD
Global Identity Crisis Lotus
Moon Rabbit thirty sunsets
Adrien Pellerin TBD
oneteno It Doesn’t Repeat, But It Does Rhyme
rustingwillpower Rainbow Studio Success!! (31:35)
VanMalloc TBD
Frances Smith TBD
Irvin Paulsy Six years later…
juhosalakka I’m working on two non-solo albums right now, of course I didn’t get it done
Solum Somnia Noctilucent Success!! (75:36)
O’Cahleyn TBD
Ham Sandwich Quantum Party TBD
Prince Joseph Dassah Present Time
pet pizza is doing it this year! Success!! (25:12)
charism arbituary + The Stoic Front the slow climb out of betterment (& into basement)
Nate Gerry TBD
The Friendly Reminders TBA
Platzangst That’s Crate!
Floxit Key to Key
Disposable Time Exchange Success!! (17:20)
Haute pink
Meatball Parking The Fountain Of Creativity Success!! (29:18)
death & color shock kennel
Mick Bordet Obfuscations
Jarred Venti Cybersimulation
Do Capital TBD
slackito TBD
Dromabear TBD
Mike Frost TBD
Luke Loww TBD
Spencer Hughes TBD
Sarri November vibes
LMNT Sepia Superload
Alex Curtis Already There Success!! (42:23)
Rob Parker TBD
DERONDA Chimera (demos) Success!! (30:57)
Paper Sailboat 52 Blue
Michael Ramey TBD
Bill Abney TBD
Funkmaster Fuma November Sessions
Riley Cube Birth of The Wack
shefa nanos gigantum humeris insidentes
Nancy Cunningham Double Cousins Twice Removed
Kahlo Holiday Lights Success!! (28:12)